Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Menu Makeover, Uncategorized
Restaurant Design Impact on First Impressions Every restaurant operator needs to make a good first impression. But did you know that you have less than a minute to do so? According to the Decision Lab, Behavioral scientists call it the first impression bias. A...
Menu Engineering, Menu Matrix, Uncategorized
What is a Restaurant Menu Matrix? We get calls from restaurant operators all the time. When we tell them we can’t help them until they get me three basic pieces of information, about half of them never call again. That’s even after we explain what a restaurant...
Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Menu Makeover, Uncategorized
To find your Fall Food Trends when it’s Time To Update Your Menu Follow the 5-F’s on Your Menu: Fashion, Film, Furniture, Flowers and Food To find your fall food trends, and figure out what to do next with your menu, follow the Five-F’s. It’s the best way to...
Menu Design, Menu Engineering, restaurant menu design, Uncategorized
Here’s How Working Plant Based Meat Into Your Menu Makeover Is Good For Business Of the hundreds of restaurant menus we’ve design-engineered over the past year or so, about half of them are now offering a plant-based meat alternative to attract guests. The other...
Branding, Menu Engineering, Menu Makeover, Menu Matrix, restaurant menu design, Uncategorized
Restaurant Menu Matrix: Now Is The Perfect Time With nearly every restaurant we work with on a menu makeover we like to start with a restaurant menu matrix or scatter graph. This is an essential process to go through before making any menu changes. If you don’t use a...
Mental Anchoring, Menu Design, Menu Engineering, restaurant menu design
Restaurant Menu Design: Are You Ready For Spring? There is reason to be optimistic in the restaurant industry. According to the National Restaurant Association, 83% of adults say they are not eating on the premises at restaurants as often as they would like–up from...
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