Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant Social Media, Uncategorized
How The Restaurant Industry Can Fix Its Staffing Problems Nearly every restaurant operator I work with has the same problem: Staffing. There are a few who don’t, but most of our clients are struggling with how to get workers to return. That or how to introduce new...
Branding, Menu Engineering, Menu Makeover, Menu Matrix, restaurant menu design, Uncategorized
Restaurant Menu Matrix: Now Is The Perfect Time With nearly every restaurant we work with on a menu makeover we like to start with a restaurant menu matrix or scatter graph. This is an essential process to go through before making any menu changes. If you don’t use a...
Foodservice Brand Marketing, Restaurant Marketing, Uncategorized
Should You Consider A Billboard For Your Restaurant? When you think about the question: should you consider a billboard for your restaurant, the short answer is, yes. The short reason being, because billboards work. Billboards may seem like a huge waste of money for...
Foodservice Brand Marketing, Restaurant Marketing, Uncategorized
Will 2021 Be Better Than 2020 For Restaurants? This has been a very difficult year for many restaurant operators. We were talking with a client recently and mentioned that this has been the hardest year on fuss service restaurants since Prohibition 100 years ago. The...
Branding, Menu Engineering, Menu Matrix, Restaurant Marketing, Uncategorized
What A Restaurant Menu Matrix Review Can Do For Your Business I’ll be the first to admit, a restaurant menu matrix isn’t for every restaurant. Well, it is, but not every restaurant operator understands the value of going through the process. But I’d like to help you...
Branding, Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Uncategorized
It’s Like A Book, People Are Judging Your Restaurant By The Menu A recent survey shows just one in five people care who wrote a novel before choosing if they want to read it, while a whopping 52 per cent make their choice based on the jacket artwork. While only...
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