Branding, Menu Engineering, Restaurant Marketing
Restaurant Discounts Suck (the life out of your restaurant business) Pizza Hut, a division of Yum Brands is offering its iconic Meat Lover’s Pizza for only $10.00. It’s a pretty big discount for one of their best offerings, with a pound of meat on it, not that that...
Branding, Menu Engineering, Menu Matrix, Restaurant Marketing, Uncategorized
What A Restaurant Menu Matrix Review Can Do For Your Business I’ll be the first to admit, a restaurant menu matrix isn’t for every restaurant. Well, it is, but not every restaurant operator understands the value of going through the process. But I’d like to help you...
Branding, Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Uncategorized
It’s Like A Book, People Are Judging Your Restaurant By The Menu A recent survey shows just one in five people care who wrote a novel before choosing if they want to read it, while a whopping 52 per cent make their choice based on the jacket artwork. While only...
Branding, Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Menu Makeover, Menu Matrix
Restaurant Menu Matrix: Top 10 Mistakes Restaurant Operators Make On Their Menu (and how to avoid them) A while back I had an opportunity to visit with a family restaurant owner in the Chicago area. For the most part I like Chicago and the people who reside there....
Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Menu Matrix
Is your accountant happy with your menu? Maybe you’re happy with your menu, but is your accountant happy with your menu? And by accountant, I mean is your menu able to help you get your customers to support you properly financially? Here’s how to know for sure if you...
Menu Design, Menu Engineering
Restaurant Menu Pricing Makes A Difference How Restaurant Menu Pricing Makes A Difference HotOperator launched The Land Run restaurant in Enid Oklahoma this past December. And we learned a valuable lesson about how restaurant menu pricing makes a difference in how...
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