Restaurant Cost Savings, Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant Products, Restaurant Social Media, Uncategorized
The Problem: How to reduce food and supply costs in restaurants. A problem that most restaurant operators worry about most is: how to reduce food and supply costs in restaurants. This has been and always will be an issue for most restaurants because they are always...
Branding, Foodservice Brand Marketing, Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Menu Makeover, Menu Matrix, restaurant menu design, Uncategorized
A lot of distributors claim to be menu design experts, but are they really? A lot of robotic, build your own menu design websites claim to offer a great menu at a lower cost. But at what price in lost opportunities for your business? Here are seven rules to follow...
Menu Design, Menu Engineering, Menu Makeover, Uncategorized
Restaurant Design Impact on First Impressions Every restaurant operator needs to make a good first impression. But did you know that you have less than a minute to do so? According to the Decision Lab, Behavioral scientists call it the first impression bias. A...
Menu Engineering, Menu Matrix, Uncategorized
What is a Restaurant Menu Matrix? We get calls from restaurant operators all the time. When we tell them we can’t help them until they get me three basic pieces of information, about half of them never call again. That’s even after we explain what a restaurant...
Branding, Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant Social Media, Social Media, Uncategorized
HotOperator is one of the leading experts on restaurant social media. Here are the 7 Keys to Success for Restaurant Social Media. Social media for restaurants is much more valuable than most restaurant operators realize. Most operators struggle with keeping up with...
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