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Restaurant Business

Is your restaurant business a one legged stool?

Your restaurant should be a four legged stool.

Most restaurant operators spend most of their time thinking about reducing costs. This makes your restaurant business a one legged stool. I’m not saying spending time thinking about how to save money in the restaurant business isn’t important. But I am saying it is only one leg of a four legged stool. Yes, save money if you can. But never at the risk of food quality. Make deals on staples. But spend more time on marketing. While you are counting your pennies, look for ways to stay top of mind with your potential customers and get more dollars to the bank.

Here are the four legs, in case you were wondering:

  1. Cost of goods – yes, this is essential, but not by itself
  2. Consistent quality – maybe more important than cost of goods
  3. Brand connection – there must be an emotional attachment through your brand
  4. Brain pegs – basically, when I say burger, what brand comes to mind first? That’s a brain peg

About HotOperator

HotOperator is a foodservice marketing agency. We love restaurants. We want them to survive. But we can’t do that unless we work together. Hire us to help you romance your restaurant brand.

Mark & Kelly LauxMark and Kelly are a marketing team and managing partners of HotOperator. They have been working in the restaurant business since 1989. Contact them through the HotOperator website, or by calling 800-316-3198. or contact Laux here.