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Are you getting complaints about your restaurant menu prices?

Are you getting complaints about your restaurant menu prices?

A lot of restaurant operators I work with are getting complaints about their restaurant menu prices.  Here are 7 things you should do to support higher prices in your restaurant. 1 - Understand Value and Price in Foodservice Prices are supported by product or service...

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123 Foodies Super Dairy Blends Now Available

123 Foodies Super Dairy Blends Now Available

Important News: Super Dairy Blends Now Available        HotOperator® and 123 Foodies in Long Island, New York launch shelf stable 123 Foodies Super Dairy Blends. 123 Foodies Super Dairy Blends are the idea of husband and wife team Rueben and Jasmine BenJehuda. They...

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The Land Run Steakhouse: How not to Advertise a Local Restaurant

The Land Run Steakhouse: How not to Advertise a Local Restaurant

The staff at HotOperator does a lot of business coaching for small and medium sized restaurant operators nationwide. Recently the co owners of The Land Runu Steakhouse in Enid Oklahoma called and asked for advice. Since we have worked with this business for more than a decade, we listened and then offered advice.

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How to tell if a restaurant menu is well design-engineered?

How to tell if a restaurant menu is well design-engineered?

Have you ever wondered how to tell if a restaurant menu is well design-engineered? Here's how to tell if a restaurant menu is well design-engineered. There are four things to look for. Positioning, Product Highlighting, Mental Anchoring, and Strategic Pricing.  A well...

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How to Reduce Food and Supply Costs in Restaurants

How to Reduce Food and Supply Costs in Restaurants

A problem that most restaurant operators worry about most is: how to reduce food and supply costs in restaurants. This has been and always will be an issue for most restaurants because they are always purchasing products. And because of the volume of their purchases, it is very difficult to keep track of everything they are buying.

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Seven Rules To Finding A Real Restaurant Menu Design Expert

Seven Rules To Finding A Real Restaurant Menu Design Expert

A lot of distributors claim to be menu design experts, but are they really? A lot of robotic, build your own menu design websites claim to offer a great menu at a lower cost. But at what price in lost opportunities for your business? Here are seven rules to follow...

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“Sell” it – “Put it in the window” or “We only have two orders left, push it.”

HotOperator is a dynamic foodservice marketing company specializing in growing restaurants. This is our blog. The blog posts you read here will help you push your sales and customer service to new levels. When the little window pops up, sign up so you’re the first to know when new information is available.

“If you sell food to humans on planet earth, we can help you.” -Mark Laux, Managing Partner, HotOperator