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5 Tips For Restaurant Social Media

5 Tips For Restaurant Social Media

According to Social Media Examiner, 96% of small business owners/marketers use social media marketing, and 92% of those agree or strongly agree with the phrase, “Social media marketing is important for my business.” And yet, according to Direct Marketing, 34% of small businesses have no social media presence at all …

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7 Restaurant Menu Design Before & After

And the restaurant menu designs we create are design-engineered to do just that: make our clients more famous. Here are 7 Restaurant Menu Design Before & After Examples from HotOperator.

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Why Restaurant Social Media Is A Pain In The Butt

Why Restaurant Social Media Is A Pain In The Butt

For some restaurant operators, social media can seem expensive. That’s why HotOperator came up with the Social Media Content Calendar. The program includes everything you need to make your restaurant social media program easy, and productive.

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Biaggi’s Restaurant Menu Design

Biaggi’s Restaurant Menu Design

Biaggi's Restaurant Menu Design Biaggi’s staff was skeptical when they gave HotOperator a call and asked us to work on Biaggi's restaurant menu design. They had heard and thought about menu engineering and menu design. But had always designed the menu themselves....

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How Successful Restaurant Operators Use Social Media

How Successful Restaurant Operators Use Social Media

To understand how successful restaurant operators use social media, you first have to understand why successful restaurant operators use social media. Successful restaurant operators are obsessed with social media because it’s an inexpensive way to reach a large portion of their local community.

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Maloney’s Menu Design Before & After

Maloney’s Menu Design Before & After

Maloney's Pub Menu Makeover HotOperator created a great menu for Maloney's Pub in Summersville, West Virginia. Here is the before and after of the Maloney's Pub Menu Design. The restaurant menu design is completely client-editable. It was professionally designed and...

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“Sell” it – “Put it in the window” or “We only have two orders left, push it.”

HotOperator is a dynamic foodservice marketing company specializing in growing restaurants. This is our blog. The blog posts you read here will help you push your sales and customer service to new levels. When the little window pops up, sign up so you’re the first to know when new information is available.

“If you sell food to humans on planet earth, we can help you.” -Mark Laux, Managing Partner, HotOperator